All Jamboree Attendees are asked to purchase and proudly display a Jamboree 2024 Button; $15 in advance: $20 On-Site
Proceeds from the Jamboree button sales are shared with Lake Region youth music programs
Add- Ons Friday Harmony Dinner, Saturday Afterglow, Tee Shirts, Donations
Show-only tickets are also available
Jamboree Central
Meredith Community Center
Open Mic Performances
Meredith Bay - Docks & Hesky Park
Social Singing
Prescott Park
The 7th Annual Joe Kopka Memorial MINI-GOLF Tournament
It’s a tradition. 2024
Our 7th year.
3253 US-3, Meredith, NH
Saturday, Aug. 17
Arrive between 9:00 and 9:30 AM
Tee Time 9:30 AM
Don’t Miss It! It’s a “Ball” of Fun & Harmony!
Ensembles expected to sing:
Praxis, Greenlight, Catalyst, Square Route, Second Nature, Aberdeen, Sweet Life, Carried Away, The Bright Side, Inside Track, Off Sides, Feelin' Fine, The Concord Coachmen, The Dover Men of the Seacoast, The Nashua Granite Statemen and…..the Everyone In Harmony Chorus directed by Eric Ruthenberg.
ALL are invited to participate! It’s easy and fun!
Sheet music and learning tracks are available.
Meet before the show at 6:15 in the Community Center for a quick rehearsal.
Jamboree Central:
Registration/Check-In & Badge/Button conversions, Tee Shirt & Water Sales.
Venue Monitors:
Post - Information, Directions, Map - "Ask Me" post. e.g. parks, dock.
Show Night:
Registration/Check-In Table
Door Monitors
Intermission/Snack Sales.
All Weekend:
Photographers / Video Recording - everyone; however a dedicated photo person is cool!
Sign up and let us know YOU can assist with managing support services and providing guidance and information, Merchandise, Concessions, Ushering, etc.
Check-In / Registration:
Friday 3:00–5:30 PM - Prescott Park - Tent
335 Daniel Webster Hwy, Meredith - just south/below the Meredith Community Center
Friday after 5:30 PM - Meredith Community Center (MCC) (& Dinner)
1 Circle Drive (corner with Route 3 - Dan’l. Webster Hwy.)
Meredith, NH 03253
Saturday 10:00 AM onward - Meredith Community Center and all-around town
Saturday 7:00 PM - Great Gathering Show - Meredith Community Center
Other Weekend Locations:
Meredith Community Center • Prescott Park • Hesky Park • Community (Archie) Park • Pirate’s Cove Mini-Golf • Wauwekan BeachHosts/Sponsors/Supporters:
Meredith Area Chamber of Commerce • Town of Meredith - Parks & Recreation Department • Northeastern District • Lakes Region Tourism • Lakes Region Chamber.
Cerutti Park
Be prepared! Learn them now, or learn them in Meredith!
Prepare and learn from the “Prince Of Tags”- Manoj Padki
You may know most of these tags! Easy to learn! We’ve compiled 4 “famous” and popular tags!
work for male, mixed, and female voicings…
Tags for Meredith Jamboree:
Links will bring you to sheet music and in most cases part separated audio files from barbershoptags.com
They Stole My Heart Away #62
Also consider add the Goodtags App to your Android or your iPhone
“HANGER” Tags — feature a “part post”… These tags all have one part holding a sustained note (a "hanger" or "post" in barbershop terms), with the other parts moving around it. Great for beginners!
Meredith SINGS!
What GOOD is all this without YOU? Anyone is invited & welcome to TRY this singing!
It’s easy. It’s fun. And ANYONE can do it!
Step up, listen, and try your hand at joining any open, welcoming quartet!
Or, grab our LEARNING media (music & MP3) on the 2 CHORUS songs and join us on-stage!
We can teach you a TAG (short, easy song) with 3 other singers. Then, make the chords RING!
NOT just for ‘men’ anymore! Anyone is welcome and we’ll share our fun with ALL!
Learn/review the 2 songs - in advance! See “9-CHORUS” above for Learning Resources!
Learn/review the TAGS - in advance! See “10-TAG Singing” above for Learning Resources!
ALL A Capella groups/singers are welcome to join in - youth groups, college groups - come on down!
How about a Meredith Bay Merchants or Chamber Chorus? Or - Quartet? YES! You can do it, too!
Jamboree Gear!
Buy at the Jamboree or Buy online and have your “stuff” ready for pickup
Jamboree TEE Shirt! $20
15-oz. White Ceramic Coffee/Tea Mugs (dual logo) - $15
Beverage Koozies - $2
Meredith’s History & Highlights: “Archie Park”
A human-size statue of the redheaded, freckle-faced cartoon character Archie was unveiled in Meredith on August 9, 2018. Meredith was the hometown of illustrator Bob Montana, who drew the first Archie comic strip in 1942, and who continued cranking out Archie, Betty, Veronica, and Jughead until he died cross-country skiing in 1975.
The Archie statue sits in a bench, with room for visitors, looking across the street toward the workshop where Bob drew Archie comics.
Montana modeled various Archie characters on people he knew in Meredith, and he was known for taking children for rides in his 1923 Model T, the same car that Archie drove in his early comics. Montana passed away before he could realize his dream of turning Meredith into an art colony, but he did succeed in having the town's parking meters removed.
America's typical teenager was immortalized in bronze by Belarusian sculptor Valery Mahuchy.
SEE IT! Downtown, on the west side of Main St, in tiny Community Park. South of the white wooden church and north of the red brick church.
Family-Fun Activities
Joe Kopka Mini-Golf Tournament!
Nature Trail at Hawkins Brook
Volleyball in the park, Tennis, Softball
Picnic “BYOP” on-the-beach
Mt. Washington Scenic Boat Ride/Tour
Rent a Jet Ski!
Restaurants - all-over-the-town!
Join Our E-Mailing List!
Please complete the form below and SUBMIT! Thanks!
It is our mission to create a family-friendly, shared experience for the entire NED community which encourages singing, fellowship, community. We hope all attendees and community members will experience inclusive events which inspire great memories, lasting friendships, and an ongoing interest in the barbershop style of singing.
Jamboree 2024 Team is:
Chair: Karen Rourke. Art Lively, Dan Falcone, Dick Arscott, Bill Wright, Lee Daum, Jim Kenealy, Scott Domaratius, Wayne Hackett, Scott Leavitt
The Parks and Recreation Department in the town of Meredith, NH has been a great partner in helping us to organize each year. The entire town is excited about this… the area Meredith Chamber of Commerce, Lakes Region Tourist Information Bureau, and the Greater Meredith Program group - and Meredith merchants!
Join us! If you, your quartet, or your chorus wish to offer support or ideas now (in planning), or later (show, performances, ideas), please contact the Jamboree Team - dedicated to the success of this event! The more committee members - the better! We need YOU - please! This isn’t a huge task or commitment. Many hands make lighter work. Join us with your IDEAS and service (and singing) at heart! Please consider helping out with the weekend’s activities and/or joining the Jamboree Team!
Help us! To get involved, contact us here.
THANK YOU - Town of Alton, NH!
We are incredibly grateful to the Town of Alton for 59 years of hosting - and enduring - the many hundreds of singers at - the Barbershop Jamboree!
ALTON BAY Programs & Pictures Archive...
Past Saturday Night “Great Gathering” Shows!
2019 SHOW PROGRAM - <<< HERE >>>
2018 SHOW PROGRAM - <<< HERE >>>
2017 SHOW PROGRAM - <<< HERE >>>
2016 SHOW PROGRAM - <<< HERE >>>